Originally Posted By: rhaikh
there exists actors who may be taking "social justice" too far does not reduce the need for social justice

I will go as far as stating that the world would be a better place without SJWs and the bulk of modern -ism movements.

The concepts of justice and the social signaling activity SJW engage in have very little in common. There is nothing virtuous in brigading on the social media against random transgressing individual and disproportionally victimizing said individual from the cover of internet anonymity under the guise of righteous retribution.

SJW activity closely resembles lynch mobbing and it is absolutely ineffective in delivering justice OR enacting a social change. It is no more just than Salem Witch Trials despite nominally following the justice process.

I'm quite sure the definition of misogyny retains its meaning despite what some people might do in its name.

I disagree. Not when any men's issues advocacy, polite questioning of modern-day feminism postulates, advocating traditional family roles and labor division, promiscuous consensual sex, and so on grouped together with ass-grabbing, discrimination, harassment and so on.

Misogyny is meaningless because it became synonymous with "outgroup" (other guys). Ultimately, it is Red vs. Blue, and both sides equally capable of shitty behavior.

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