

because i have been talking 2 Jetstar and i figured it went through its been a few months and i wasnt starting it i was getting opinios on it for Jetstar to see how many ppl would want to play and I wanted to at least get it out that there is a fun mmofps out there that KGB could start on and i am hopeing to get the aproval from Jet asap so we can get it started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow I started out trying to read that how it was written, then quickly inserted periods as i began to passout. Other than that I have nothing usefull to add to this conversation, thank you.

It helps if you read it after drinking a cup of coffee, a red bull or "Rock star", taken 2 green tea pills and followed it with a mountain dew. As he probably did when writing it.... think south park characters.

"It's not enough to win... others have to lose."
-Stephen Colbert 'Colbert Report'
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