I agree with your first paragraph, though passing fewer bills is the one highlight as far as I can tell.

As for you second paragraph, well I am not a huge fan of Supply Side - It is far better than pure Keynesian , but still based on Keynes. Of course there are many variables at work.

As for the correlation between investment and job growth, that is very real - the problem being in a globalized economy all too often that investment goes overseas. American capital investment has created hundreds of millions of jobs...... in east Asia. It still does benefit us here at home, I think we will be far worse off with higher tax rates period. Even Clinton said so, before he backpedaled to toe the campaign line.

The concept of taking resources out of the productive private sector, for use by the non productive govt sector is very real though. In this day and age, one of the primary means that is accomplished though is by simply printing more money.

Though its worth noting that I consider that a non-partisan issue, because the GOP needs to realize that needless military spending is no more productive in terms of generating wealth than spending money of useless civilian bureaucracies.

I think the real problem with the GOP is that they do not stand for anything. This is the qualm that came across to me. Boehner, and Romney when he was running were all rhetoric with no philosophical substance to back it up. I think that is why the author termed things the way he did regarding Evil and Stupid.

One party might be totally bass ackwards, but in a semi coherent fashion. The other party is simply the party of rhetoric and opposition. Which is Stupid.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)