Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Kaotic
How about the fact that putting food on the table is more important than a health care plan.

You don't get to decide this. Actually, you don't get to decide that some member of society get to live undignified lives in poverty lacking basic necessities.

Americans won't do these jobs because you can't survive in America doing these jobs. Unlike some seasonal workers, they don't get to go home and live at much, much lower cost of living most of the year.

I am still waiting for the list of "jobs Americans won't do", because I will really make you own up to it.

If providing food and shelter for yourself and your family isn't your number one priority then you have bigger problems than a government handout. Who gets to decide what constitutes a dignified life? You can most certainly obtain all of life basic necessities on a minimum wage job, or two. I've done it, so you don't get to sit in your ivory tower and tell me what can and cannot be done in your estimation.

I have very close ties to the migrant workers in this country and, while some do rotate in seasonally (mostly out west), many stay here year round working in chicken plants, hotels, agriculture, lawn care, sanitation, construction, etc. where the businesses often provide ESL classes for the workers and Spanish classes for the managers. Oh, and those that stay here year round, don't live on minimum wage. They live on MUCH less because they send over half of their earnings home.

Most of these jobs are unpleasant but you can earn enough to live. Obviously you've never held more than one job at a time or you'd realize that it is possible to work multiple jobs, educate yourself, and move up or move out of a crappy job. If you have experienced this then your racism is showing (to use your logic) in your belief that others are incapable of the same effort.

We have all seen what Daye describes and it is gut wrenching.

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