"Yeah Prism, cause welfare and food stamps is such and EASY life!"

True story to follow:

Was in line in HEB to pay for the grocery run I just completed. In front of me is a lady with a basket so full of stuff she should have had a motorcade and police escort. The contents of said basket fell into two categories:

Meat of all kinds. Steak, hamburger, bacon, etc.

Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

Total bill was around the $300 mark.

To pay for this, she whipped out her food stamp debit card ( to pay for the meat ) then whipped out a wad of cash to pay for all the alcohol ( since you can't use foodstamps to buy alcohol )

This after a ten minute debate with the cashier over the price of some of the wine she had bought . . . . :|

Somewhere in my head I heard the " snap " of a safety relay kicking in that prevented me from choking her to death with the string of sausages in her cart . . .

I'm sorry Jet, but while some folks really do need the assistance of the government, the system is beyond abused by many others. Some are content to receive bare minimum assistance in lieu of doing the bare minimum of work required for the same benefits.

In short, there are a LOT of lazy MF's on this planet who PREFER government assistance rather than make an honest dollar their entire life.

Last edited by Daye; 10/02/12 02:21 PM.