Originally Posted By: Derid
Originally Posted By: JetStar
I hate to break it to you Ron Paul lovers, but he is not conservative enough in his religious convictions to get the main stream republican vote. It just will not happen.

You might be right about him not getting the nomination, but your reasoning is off. Ron Pauls problem with some conservatives has nothing to do with his religion, its actually his "Israel problem".

The Neocons and American Enterprise Institute etc are all starting to beat the war drum in regards to Iran. Paul is obviously opposed. Has nothing to do with how religious Paul is, and everything to do with the pro-war lobby.

I agree, Ron Paul's stance on Iran doesn't sit well with many people. Some need to realize we are heavily in debt. We can't just go prancing off to another war, or we will just be sacrificing our National Security in doing so. By piling on more depth along with many other issues.