Originally Posted By: Cheerio
One of the things that ive been wondering about- not directly related to this but it got me thinking- Did the "Obama stimulus" work as well as the multiple "Bush stmuli"?
The reason i wonder is because the Bush stimuluses send me, the taxpayer, a check to spend. The Obama stimulus send it to some favored corporation or pressure group. Im not sure either worked, but which worked "better"?

It is disturbing if even the Beast himself cant contain Leviathan. Maybe the US isnt governable

Any wonder why Romney is disliked by conservatives?

And last, your initial thesis about repubs moving farther to the right may be true depending on where you define the middle.
Free abortions on demand isnt the middle
"free" healthcare to all is not the middle
govt employees making almost double the median income is not the middle

O could get bipartisan support for reducing the military and not defending europe and asia
he could get support by sealing the border with mexico
he could get support with an austerity program for all federal workers. 5% per year for 4 years, raise retirement age, reduce benefits just like social security is gonna have to do

He wont because he cant fragment the coalition that put him in power. thats why his hands are tied

Very well put!