Tobacco found the initial article, but I dug up the rest, I hadn't been checking the news feeds I get every day for a couple of days now, so this admittedly sneaked up on me but the minute I logged online today I read it, pretty good news overall. It's a complete revamp, ironically much like DFO is currently going to do, only this planetside will take full advantage of the knowledge and technology of current gaming both in the FPS and MMORPG fields to produce a great MMOFPS hybrid with full customization and more options then the previous planetside had which was very ahead of it's time. The overall goal of the project from my research has indicated they are focusing the planetside 2 emphasis on making understanding and playing the game quick and easy for new people, by providing simple fps like jump in and play-ability, while ensuring that as you progress and become better at playing the game becomes more complex and adds more depth for veterans. The player designed quest engine is similar to Cryptics (STO, Neverwinter, and COH/V) Forge which allows players to make their own quests this is a very useful tool as you can create quests as a part of recruiting and evaluation tests for membership into a guild. Planetside 2 is a very exciting prospect for me, as I played the original, and think with KGB's new State Faction system coming online this will have great potential for us as a guild. KGB was born in Tanarus, a military fps tank battle game, we may be Knights now, but even back then we were armored knights riding armor plated engines of destruction. Our state Faction system is perfect for this game.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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