Originally Posted By: Ictinike
Originally Posted By: Salohcin Dragon
SOE is affected also, so if you play a SOE game be careful.

In saying this I received an email about my SOE account (EverQuest 1,2) which said it was compromised. However, investigating the links it was a spoof and a phishing attempt so beware of ANY mails that come in looking from Sony and double check things.

I could tell near instant when they refered to me as "valued customer" instead of my name. You have to be very, very cautious not only from Sony but ANY site these days. Make sure the links your click are valid and I would recommend if possibly an email client that can help you determine that.

I use Mozilla Thunderbird for my email client and have now nearly 10 years. It has the built in security where it will tell you it thinks this email is a SCAM and to why and in nearly all cases it's 100% accurate. At least knowing this and seeing the warning it makes me pause and check the email links further and as stated most it tells me are a SCAM it indeed is.

Beware, Be Safe..

Right, never click links in emails, just go to the site by typing it. Never send account info to anyone. Oh & here is a great story PSN had outdated software & no firewall!!!!!! OMG, idiots!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Salohcin Dragon; 05/06/11 09:24 AM.

Former KGB Member