You can't change any setting that will change health bars, just remember RED & Orange=Dead. It's tough getting used to telling good guy from bad guy when you're in the middle of battle. Having a good computer that can keep up where you're not lagging helps a lot. It just takes time getting used to it, even then you will have friendly fire accidents.

As far as getting into melee range, you need to get the spell "Wall of force" throw a blinding spell, wall of force them, and it you have begone or stormblast use those to get in on top of them in a hurry. This game takes a lot of timing, a long with hand eye coordination. All I can suggest is to fight mobs that move around a lot, get used to hitting them on the move. After a while you will notice your accuracy will get a lot better.

As far as trying to out DPS someones healing spells, this comes down to being accurate and hitting them as much as possible. Which is easier said than done, again it just takes time getting used to this. Also having your heal spells at 100 or at the very least above 75 will help a lot. You will see your survivabilty increase the higher you get them. Darkfall is a grind, even with all the patches to help make the grind less than what it was.

I'm not trying to discourage you in anyway, but it's just the way the game is. It's not like other games where you can hit the max level within weeks and become a PVP god. You can have average base stats and still be viable in PVP.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 04/19/11 08:18 PM.