Education is something much better handled at the state and local level. Federal "standards" simply encourage school systems to meet whatever metrics are given without any care for educating human beings.

Unfunded mandates, idiotic bureaucracy and wasted money are the hallmarks of the Federal Govt involvement in education. Democrats often preach further govt involvement in education not because they care, or their ideas work, but because teachers unions are an immensely powerful force within the party. Ergo, party members like Jet who do not look too closely just accept the party line as truth.

A big lesson this country needs to learn, is that no union should ever be permitted to form among public sector workers.

If you wish to argue that point, first you must imagine what would happen if the military unionized. Once your brain stops spasiming from contemplating that nightmare, simply contemplate the same principles applied to other public service entities.

Basic fact: unions in the public sector inherently, by their nature countermand public interest. Unions serve to enhance the power of employees at the expense of their employers. However, for public sector jobs, the employer is actually us, the taxpayers and voters.

If you want to improve education, the solution is simple. Eliminate teachers' unions. This would free up schools to act in an intelligent manner, and innovate. No Fed overlord required.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)