
Let me search some more and see what I can dig up.

I had a similar recent event where about 1 out of 3 times I would reboot the motherboard would not fire up but my LEDS and Light bars would "flicker". After I shut it down and back on it would work for a day or so then reboot.

Did this for about a week and I had a hunch it might be my PSU. Had the wife run to BestBuy around Thanksgiving and bought a new 800w PSU and low and behold no more issues.

I put a meter to it before replacing it and found that the 12v rail, on those times it would flicker, was below 11.4v which was the lowest spec for a normal PSU and the times it was fine it was over 13v. Seems the regulator or something (maybe a leaking cap) wasn't doing it's job but yet the whole PSU never went.

I'm not saying it's the PSU but this thing had me stumped for a week or more because I didn't want to buy a new PSU just to see. GPU's use a bunch of watts so maybe it's just gaming? The PC runs fine otherwise right? What about any other high-res game and not just DFO?

I'll see what I can find now and report back here or if I find you on vent brother..