To tell you the truth, I don’t even know what I’m writing this. Like many, my style is just to fade into the wind with no explanation other than the message that appears on the screen. I did it before and I’ll probably do it again, and while I sometimes crave a need for people to like me, other times, I really couldn’t care less. That’s just who I am, and if you want to survive in a Sandbox MMO that’s the kind of attitude that will allow you to survive Shadowbane Beta all the way up until the servers shut down.

That being said, I will miss being in KGB.

I joined KGB for one reason, and one reason only, JetStar. Among the numerous list of FPSs, MMORPGs, MUDs, RPGs and RTSs I’ve hung around from my years of gaming, I must say, the aspect of gaming guilds and clans I miss the most are the communities. Not only the family atmosphere, but a struggle between us versus them and an innate bond that connects through more than just pixels on a screen – but a community bound not only by the conflicts they share but by the scope of their vision. JetStar, enamored by a sense of the old UO guilds, has made this in KGB. That’s why I first joined, a sense of history and a common path.

That being said, there are the flaws and I will not bore you with the details of them – however insignificant or large they are; suffice it to say, no machine is perfect. Conflict, as it is said, is why we play the game – and conflict is the reason why Darkfall survives today. Without it, this would be hello-kitty-online and I would be lightly spreading out the catnip in my bed of sandpaper, my skin scrawled into a fine mist that is sprinkled over my rotting gaming corpse. However, it is this conflict that brings us to this point.

With permission from JetStar, this emo-message is my farewell. I have NOT spoken to other guilds and I currently reside in Alfar lands hitting rocks. I plan to stay guild-less for a week or two and weigh my options, seeing who bites and what’s out there. Don’t be surprised if you see my name on the “Looking for Guilds” forum because, frankly, there are some guilds I am trying to avoid joining if I can help it. (I don’t care how good they are, assholes are assholes, however if there’s no good choices left, assholes it is)

If KGB ever goes hardcore and if you need me, I will be there with no questions asks. Until that point, however, I will see you on the other side. Know that I am fully aware KGB will do great without me, with JetStar at the helm, it always does – for no one man can break what he created.

And when you loot my grave … and loot it you shall, know that I will be smiling at the other end, waiting for you to gank – so that I can gear up and we can do battle once again.

Loot well my friends.


Your Friend,

Syloc deKGB

P.S. to Krull and Shark Wolf; nothing excuses what you said, however, I should not have retaliated the way I did. And for that, I am deeply sorry. I hope you can accept my apology. To the rest I promised to train, know that my ear is always welcome, so message me with any questions or concerns you have, I will always answer.

I will deguild the moment I get home, which is an hour after this posting.

P.S.S. As per our conversations, Jetstar, please remove my access and keep in touch you fool!

Former KGB Member