Originally Posted By: Raiden MarkIV
Their time line is pretty much dead on though at 1.5 months now I am almost 2x my starting stats in all fields except dex/int


And this is a big BUT!!! I HAD to leave my computer on 24/7 for 2-3 weeks of that time afk swimming. SO their idea is still kinda flawed on that respect, you CAN'T just play the game and hit those numbers. UNLESS they are talking about 60 days of logged playing time then MAYBE I can believe that.

Which is not what Tasos is talking about, because leaving your machine on and macroing is against the ToS. What Tasos is talking about is actively playing the game, be that crafting, PvE, PvP, or PvB.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!