haha yep i agree. And its fun to siege andruk and go "boo MC" and have this rivalry going for a bit (i understand in the long term many KGB respect old school MC members and will continue to do so).

They got to boot us so its only fair we get to siege them whether or not it was for reasonable differences, whether or not there was a 24 hour notice and we denied a city that we have all right not to want if we dont want it (especially if it acts as the "rebound girl" therefore making us chumps if we take it).

They act like we are going too far by wanting to crush andruk but what would they have done if the roles were reversed? Besides, NOT attempting to siege andruk would be boring and carebear and we would all be sitting around in rocking chairs drinking lemonade talking about knitting in order to pass the time.

By all means they can always challenge to get it back if we win it.


- Krayton AKA Kray-diddy