Originally Posted By: Thomas
damn those IT tech jobs! always over working yah!

That's the problem, I am not a Tech, even though I have the certs/credentials. I am a Finance Analyst in Supplier Management handling a portion of the System-Avionics supplier base.

I told my boss and my boss's boss today in our kickoff meeting, "If I wanted to write code, and develop IT Tools, I would go do that and make as much or more as an IT Consultant."

Baseline is, it costs our group less to make me and a couple others do the work, then it does to contract it out to our Out of House IT Dept. This way they get more direct control at a fraction of the price.

I am about 3-6 months from telling Boeing to go fly a kite and find some other sucker to use and abuse.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!