Originally Posted By: Valaria
Originally Posted By: Kay
My go bag:

100 of each reg, give or take
Set of bone with scale boots/gloves/helm
R50 2hand Sword or Equivalent Transmute
R50 mob dropped bow, 150 arrows
3 greater health pots
2 greater stam pots
1-4 greater mana pots
Blackbolt staff, or Cobra if I'm feeling fancy
Shield that is at least 75 armorsmithing, prefer a mastery shield
R50 1hand sword
3-piece Arcane Jewelry Set
Skinning Knife
A mount
A robe

Pretty much the same setup I use. Except I use my crafted r40/50 bows. with Keeness if able.
occasionally 2 mounts, if able.

And I always label my city defense bags with My ingame name and KGB so that if someone in the alliance loots or clanmate loots they know who to give it to.

Val, I did the same the other night and named my bag Ictinike - KGB and low and behold Andre from HH, after fatality stormed the city, let me know he had my bag smile Worked out well and got it all back.

Now, how and why he came across it is yet another issue of discussion, lol