The general Iranian populus is in general the most willing to adopt western democracy and free trade/open markets. Of course there would be a middle eastern influence and twist to western ideologies, but they out of all the countries want the least to go back to the middle ages.

What there so pissed about is the general populus knows they just got fucked by what was suppose to be an open election. The cleric controlled minority are in power now and are having serious problems controlling the uprising by the Green party, which you see in this video. There the ones with green kerchief's and habuuk's.

The progressive Green party is going to cause some serious destabilization in the middle east if they succeed. With Iraq becoming western controlled, Qatar and Kuwait as examples of what a modest democratic society in which liberal shira laws and western freedom's are melded together to allow those countries to begin to prosper while still retaining historical Muslim structures.

What is really going to cause a major shit storm is when we turn the Israelis loose and tell the UN that they can deal with what ever transpires going forward. That day is coming, and Damascus in Syria is going to get the fuck bombed out of it as the shackles come off Israel.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!