In the beginning there was darkness....and Andruk EU stood apart

A few brave souls like myself pioneered city defense at a time when I was told sitting in a tree all damn day was a waste of time, and perhaps it was skill wise but I learned a few things. How to call incoming attackers or targets, how to describe those forces, and their potential threat, their positioning, their arrangement, their heading or direction, where to direct cannon fire and their ambush points. I don't know if what your talking about is even remotely similar, or if city defense is the issue, but even open field combat should be handled this way and I agree communication is key. All the top FPS Clans live and die by it. At a time when riding around in circles patrolling was seen as a useless form of early warning until it started producing results and saving lives and giving us a chance to locate mobilize and repel attackers was only then when the Marshal program was brought online, was it worth it, is it still in use, is it needed now? I don't know ask your Provost Marshal, don't ask me. If you don't know who that is ask Jet because i don't know who it is either and I don't play anymore.

All I do know is the reasons are obvious, everyone patrolling was grouped, and even those who were not knew which tree I generally sat in, and when I was mobile so too were the others in the defense patrol, we could lead our enemy into traps and close off escape routes, by making these calls it allowed farmers to vacate the area, it gave people at the bank or at mob spawns some time to mount up and ride to the fight, it allowed people to man the walls and cannon, and arrange into a stronger grouping, those carrying valuables could bank them, those macroing could log out or come help and all because one guy held overwatch, or because 4-6 rode patrol. Sometimes the patrol would even follow far afield and perform watch duties on groups farming far from the city walls, or scout distant areas so as to curtail any attackers before they even saw Andruks walls. I felt the program was useful, but then I don't know if it is needed, and if it is why it hasn't been active this whole time.

My story since Syloc produced his own, is a bit one sided in our favor but not by much. It takes place at Andruk on EU, I called out guild tags, and then said "attackers from the north quadrant, heading north east, four in number, heavy geared, on foot, scattered formation." Several people came out, the attackers were dispersed, Hare had isolated one, I jumped out of my tree and under skilled and armored only in studded I joined him. Sure it was a two on one, but the guy was good, together each of us took turns fading in and out with the guy and I got the killing shot, and Hare let me have all the loot because he's a nice guy and he had plenty.

Communication works, team work is also vital and that day was the first time I ever fought beside Hare in any game. That day was also the day the Marshal program became important, were others doing it sure, were they as dedicated, I don't know. All I do know is I was trying to be proactive while many others were being reactive, and aside from some of the better fighters in KGB the only way I felt I could compete on the same level without the same skill was to provide intelligence and defense at a time when there wasn't much and to communicate that information to give the guild the fighting chance it needed.

With communication comes situational awareness, situational awareness allows for a strategy to manage assets and employ tactics to win a engagement, but more importantly it keeps you from falling for the "Hey look your shoes untied" knock on the melon trick.

Besides everybody knows the best pvp fighters come from Texas, and that's where I am moving back to so keep that in mind.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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