My first impression of ICE island and this alliance, is that we're on an island of all gank guilds. The reason DOM has a "gear up at all times" rule is that their being targeted 24/7 - however this might lead to more seasoned veterans long-term if the guild doesn't panic when something bad happens.

Bottom line, they were looking to join the TRA allinace - which might mean that they are looking for some help. I suspect they are having trouble with the constant gankers, and that's why they are inviting random guilds to stay in the city.

I know it may seem like a debbie downer, but I was right about my concerns about the TRA alliance - and I don't want KGB to lose it's indepedence by getting sucked into another guild's leadership structure.

KGB has had the tendancy to overrely on allies in DFO so far, and this sounds like another opportunity where we let allies take over.


In any case, are we safe to gank people from other guild cities on ICE? Or will it incur the wrath of guilds we don't want?

Former KGB Member