Here are all that I can see, I see not evidence of editing? Did you forget to press enter again Crim?

I have no idea who it was that removed my post. Jet, apparently, you did not.

The term "Again" implies that I forgot to press the enter button at least one time previously. I have never forgotten to press the enter button after making a shoutbox post, not this last time, or any time before. I made sure it showed up, and it appeared 4 posts down from where Donkleaps says;

[x] Donkleaps: Bloodbowl...the original fantasy football

In fact, the post was right where Tasorin's posting is, which states:

[x] Tasorin: New KGB BloodBowl League forming ,,,Check Public Forum...You know you want to bash some Elves!!!

Which simply means that my posting was removed, and some time after that happened, Tas made a post.

What I posted isn't even a big deal - it was sarcastic, amusing, although probably a tad bit disgusting when viewed by the eyes of a prude. The big deal is what I originally said: the amount of censorship here is ridiculous at times. Posts of mine, along with those of other people, regardless of the nature (good or bad) have been removed before in years past, but I tend to forgive...for a while.

Ultimately, I find control-freakery of this nature as narrow-minded, absurd, and indicative of someone possessing an inferiority complex.

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]