I've played all of those from beta on, except for Eve, which I never played live. Nice videos tho, I've lived it.

WOW had issues but is now in pretty good shape, just took awhile, it is now in prett good shape overall. I played it for quite awhile.

AOC was crock, they screwed their customer base the worst that I have ever seen. I understand its still broken and that is another reason I don't give them my cash anymore.

EVE was just not for me, I couldn't get into it, my friend still plays tho and loves it to death, *shrug*

EQ after UO it was actually not a bad initialed game, things were still in the blooming (learning) stages back then and overall it had a helluva lot more going for it at release and beyond than most other games.

Vanguard well, not much to say on that one, played awhile after bets but just too many bugs and unkept promises, had boat loads of potential tho.

SWG played for quite awhile after beta, really enjoyed the game over all, seemed to be a bit more polished than most at that time, still had some wierd bugs like the zone line issue. They did mess up several things, such as taking forever to rotate some resources onto the game and there were some pretty bad balance issues but it was a joy to play. We had the best city on Gorath, ICE (city).

Shadowbane not the best game graphic wise but a blast to play, had its share of issues. The first time you were able to build and siege cities and it KICKED ASS, one of the best games I ever played, just because it was so much fun, after you got finished with the grind. Morg and I met there (on my second time around), we played there for 2 years or so. They shut the game down this month...

Morg and I first became friends with KGB in Shadowbane, as an alliance. *grin*

Finally UO the grand daddy of them all, I played beta thru many years, went back 4 or 5 times, to look at the new content and relive the old days, hehe. One of the worst releases known to man, should have remained in beta for at least another 6 months to a year, but...there was nothing else like it and we payed the cash, dammit, lol. Play for an hour, crash and warp back, losing all that effort. Ya it sucked donkey dick, but there were no other real choices and it was an amazing game. Then along came Trammel and that is another story.

So in conclusion, I live in a my own delusional world, where game makers fix their shit or they can go take a flying fuck, if they think they will continue getting payed by me and many other people.

I am not asking for a perfect game, that isn't going to happen, there will always be bugs. But I do expect that if we are going to be paying their salaries, that they get on the stick, stomp out the exploiters, give us what they promised, listen to their customer base, perhaps communicate with their customers (instead of keeping them in the dark) and an awesome update once in awhile.

If that is too much to ask for, then I guess its back to Tiddlywinks.
