So, I was annoyed that I couldn't reactivate my account on darkfall yesterday. I spent a little time on the forums looking for a solution or others who had the same problem. When that failed I posted about it. That post had a couple of informative responses, and one troll, and then all of a sudden it didn't exist anymore. The following is a record of what followed.

I posted this:

Are you kidding me?
These boobs deleted a perfectly legitimate post about the account management page that was, for the most part, only being participated in by adults, who were having a reasonable discussion.

Apparently if you don't TLDR and OMFG NUBSAUCE its considered a violation of the forum rules.

From Moderator Preston:

Dear KGB-Kaotic,

You have received an infraction at Darkfall Forums.

Reason: ONE - You may not excessively communicate the same idea, phrase, or create spam within the community; you may not create any thread or post for the sole purpose of causing unrest in the community; you may not cause any sort of disturbance within a thread with the intent of ruining it; and you may not make one line posts such as IBTL, IBTB, BUMP, etc. Moderators are at their full discretion to enforce the spirit of this rule.
Complaints about moderating must not be posted, use PM's to moderators or Brannoc.

This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
These boobs deleted a perfectly legitimate post about the account management page that was, for the most part, only being participated in by adults, who were having a reasonable discussion.

Apparently if you don't TLDR and OMFG NUBSAUCE its considered a violation of the forum rules.

All the best,
Darkfall Forums

My response:

You're going to send me a warning because I complained that you all removed a perfectly legitimate post, but you won't take the time to even tell me that you're removing said post. On top of that no one is policing the crap that gets posted like Are there pets? Seriously. You guys are pure win.

Just so we're clear, I'm getting this warning for this:
"you may not create any thread or post for the sole purpose of causing unrest in the community"?

Assuming that is correct then exactly how is pointing out poor moderator performance attempting to cause unrest? I wanted some justification for what happened and I still don't have that. Since there was no communication about my thread being removed, how else was I supposed to express my grievance? I know you guys are all volunteers but come on. Are you actually being directed by Aventurine to suppress any complaints about their inability to address concerns of the player base in a timely fashion? Is that why the inane drivel is allowed to fly and anything remotely resembling an intelligent, adult attended conversation is deleted without notice?

"Not happy with our game? Need quick answers to a problem you're having? Go to our forums and... LOOK AT THE SILLY MONKEY!"


More to follow as I hear from either Preston or Brannoc.


Preston's response:

1) I used the wrong infraction because I was in a hurry. We have a specific infraction for complaining about moderation on the forums.

2) I don't know about your thread that was deleted. From what you say it sounds reasonable, but it could very well have been in other posts in the thread that got it deleted.

3) Address moderation grievances by contacting moderators or Brannoc.

Please also report posts that violate forum rules. We really need the community help to clean those up.

They have a "specific infraction for complaining about moderation." WOW, just wow.

Rule #1 of Debating for Dummies:
If your opponent attempts to debate you, change the rules so that rebuttals are disallowed.

Rule #1 of Darkfall Forum Moderators Handbook:
When responding to a concerned members private message (PM) make sure you bullet point your reponse so they feel like they are being lectured to. This will make you sound smarter and more authoritarian. Likely this will also make them stop PMing you.

Last edited by Kaotic; 07/12/09 08:44 AM.

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