Behold the image of the rank of KGB Champion:
The pinnacle of Knighthood. The Champion is the embodiment of valor. This fearsome combat machine has mastered the art of war. Champion is the highest rank available to those who's passion is for victory and glory without the limitations of being an officer. A Champion represents the best of the best on the battlefield is support of the KGB code.
KGB member Uber has been with us a long time. He has never been knighted or asked for formal rank, but has been involved in KGB as a dedicated member for years.

Uber represents a special faction of KGB. Uber is deaf. This means he cannot communicate via TS or VENT. He is limited to text chat. Not being able to use voice has labeled many as second class KGBers. Uber represents a KGBer who cant use these resources, but has remained committed and been a factor in our success and our history.

It is my intention to recognize Uber for his contributions and his loyalty to KGB. Uber is an example to all of us, as someone who puts his loyalty to his friends and KGB family first.

By the rights vested in me in Artice 2, Section 2, Clause 1, I hereby grant Sir Uber the rank of KGB Champion and the High Kings Golden Cross award, for his outstanding contribution to KGB.

Please join me in thanking Champion Uber for his dedication to this organization