I lost connection 5 minutes till vulnerability and couldn't get back in so I'm going to share some info with you.

There is a time and place, as set forth in the KGB Articles of Confederation and Constitution, ( KGB Constitution ) to have the kinds of discussions that folks were attempting to have towards the end of the seige today.

Rule #1: Never ever argue with your leadership in the middle of a fight or in a public forum.

Rule #2: First learn Rule #1

Do you guys who always want to argue really think that the rest of us are just morons who couldn't reason our way out of a wet sack? We all disagree from time to time or think that we know a better way to do something. There is a forum for offering your suggestions and it is NOT in the middle of combat. Not to mention the fact that they are privy to information that the rest of us don't always have.

Also, under the list of things not to do in combat, don't come into vent and immediately start asking questions when it is patently obvious that something is going on. Take a couple of moments to listen. You'd be surprised how much you'll learn with your mouth closed and your ears in working order.

While I'm on that subject, if what you want to say over vent isn't something that has a direct impact on the battle as a whole or is direct communication to a faction mate about current events ("there's a guy behind you," not "did you see Paris' new hair color") then please don't say it. Vent is not the place for you to tell us that you're so excited that you just killed someone. We're happy for you, but we don't need to know right then. Save that story for the after fight beer.

Above all, grow some sense of personal responsibility. If you see something that needs doing... DO IT. If you hear someone asking for help, GO. If you know there is a fight nearby, GET IN IT. There is no need to argue about it or wait for someone to ask you to come help. Most of the time there is no time to argue about it or wait for an invitation. Just grab your balls and man up. If you can't help, fine. If you don't want to help, fine. But in either of those circumstances, we don't care to hear about your reason.

In a combat situation, the authority of the senior KGB officer present is absolute. His or her lawful orders, in the absence of the King, carry the same full weight of command as if those orders were issued by the High King, himself. It is the right and privilege, however, of any KGB citizen to contest any order given once combat operations are complete using the proper chain of command. If confirmation is established that unlawful orders have been given, the officer in command will be reprimanded in accordance with the KGB Constitution.

Quoted from the KGB General Orders, specifically #3.

If this looks new or foriegn to you then you need to spend some time reading the Constitution and Articles of Conferderation that you agreed to abide by when you applied to KGB.

[Linked Image from i30.photobucket.com]