- Slinger (Sling) -He was around in the beginning of DFO, but I think he stopped playing

- Raekwon He has been doing contracting work in Iraq for like 2 or 3 years and hasn't gamed with KGB since Wow

- Jonus- No clue where jonus is, he may be playing. He's been quiet lately.

- Uber- I last heard he was in warhammer.

- Juancasas- he's mexican and probably making a lot of babies!! Jk, not sure where he is

- Coleria- This person has been retired from KGB for sometime.

- TheLastOne- Haven't heard from him in awhile, I think he's retired

- Holrom ("How do you say [insert random sentence here] in DENMARKIAN?" grin ) He hasn't gamed with us since he left as Chancellor of KGB, he does pop on the forums from time to time.

- Zarkwon- I believe that he is in game somewhere.

- Assassin not sure

- Jothie- I don't t hink he is in KGB anymore.

- Wenig- haven't heard from him and twist forever

- Gluven- not seen him in awhile

- Ruski- see above

- Sweetleaf- don't know who this is

- Shortman see above

- Celesta see above

- G'od see above

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com]