I agree with Jet. I'm here for the people. I don't like farming, but I do it. Much like I don't like going to work everyday, but I do like to play games, eat, and I enjoy air conditioning, so I do it.

I'm always working hard to help keep people interested in the game because if folks are playing I'm not having fun. I rarely go out on my own. So, if you need someone to hang with or if you need gear to go out, I will gladly give you the shirt off my back to get you going. I have several sets of armor that I've crafted with my resources that I've offered to folks and can rarely get any takers. I don't want your money. I just want you to have a good time, 'cause that's how I have a good time.

So, to all the folks I've "loaned" anything to - STOP TRYING TO GIVE IT BACK smile I don't loan, I give.

Tas and Vyse,
I understand where you're coming from and I can't fault you for not wanting to pay to beta test. I will miss you both in game, but I'd damn well better not be missing you in vent. Tell me what you're playing and I'll come spend some time there with ya.

[Linked Image from i30.photobucket.com]