Just so you guys know we have IRC chat with these groups constantly. Communication is very direct so some of the wild speculation listed here never comes to fruition since things are talked about regularly.

Usually plans aren't discussed completely in the open because elements of plans that are - seem to be quickly leaked and confidential tactical information could be at risk.

Let me say this - we are not done fighting Hyperion. Forum posts are forum posts and if this game was dictated by them Hyperion would have won the game years before it ever started. What we have seen is the opposite - all of the hype generated on the forum quickly dissipates when it gets to the live game and it becomes a free for all.

One comment I saw that I liked was that - we were going to wait and see what really transpired with Hyp and Death instead of what was posted by a single poster on the forums.

If thats not clear let me make it clearer - don't believe everything you read and don't instantly change your game plan when you read a forum post.

Our fight is against Hyperion until they are defeated or WE agree to a peace treaty.