Originally Posted By: rhaikh
To be fair, most of the people I saw looting were other alliance members. I am sure some KGB did it too. I told Critter to loot Pirate's corpse at the very end, since we were right next to it at the retreat waypoint and we were headed back to Khosgar anyway.

The real problem is that, for whatever reason, when we siege we act like x number of groups of 10 individuals, with different clan names above our heads and with the entire spectrum of motivations behind us. I know you guys are working on this, but we desperately need an alliance vent. We need a singular leadership and a singular battle commander when we have a collective goal. It was painfully obvious that all of those mercs (of several different guilds) were being effectively led with one plan.

We need to be able to do this as well. We have no problem coordinating all of our guilds to get to a waypoint before the battle begins, but once it starts, it tends to reduce to chaos. I feel that battlefield looting is a symptom of this lack of focus, and I hope that these problems will resolve themselves once we are able to act as a cohesive group AFTER the first punch has been thrown.

Absolutely. And to be fair, other guilds battle-loot more. I just want to make sure that before we start pointing fingers we stop it on our side. Right now we have no fingers to point because they're too busy rifling through bags of loot wink.

As far as the unified vent goes, I do agree that it is an absolute must. Right now, all the leaders are in a vent channel and can relay commands back and forth. This is a new concept that has only been used since the weekend, and it does help, but they are currently exploring the possibility of expanding upon it.

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