Shadowbane, in my opinion, was the BEST MMORPG hands down - with no comparison. Darkfall may come close, but Shadowbane was the first. Like George R. R. Martin's, "The Game of Thrones", Shadowbane allowed me to delve into the world of kings and thieves, politics and backstabbers, and even those Random Player Killer Guilds that would live life lawlessly - all roles I played at one point of time in my career in Shadowbane.

Hell, the only reason MMOs excite me (Like Darkfall) is that it resembles Shadowbane, with the intrigue, the politics and even the forumfall that actually means something. When Hyperion Falls, I will recall the forum trolls whining, and it'll be as great as it was in Shadowbane, chaulk another one to the dust.

Hopefully, as Darkfall continues, and the years pass, Stray Bullet Games/Wolfpack, will release another similar MMO - and the tide will revolve one more.

Until then, I will raise a mug of beer tonight ... to the memeories ... to the experiences ... but most of all, i'm not ashamed to admit, to a large part of my life.

-Syloc/Talfaras/Basiat/Dusti/Syl/etc Former IC and BOS,WM,B&I,CS,TSB, Member of DHL, DS, KGB , TP. (and others I just don't freeking remember)

Last edited by Syloc; 04/20/09 02:34 PM.

Former KGB Member