Appreciate ya'll showing up. Really nice to see friendly faces ingame.

Saddly you missed the initial DDi crush but the timing was terrifying honestly.

The combined defending forces had JUST pushed DDi up and out of the city, and we were deciding whether to try and pursue or not. All nekkid and still bleeding from our last deaths.. When one of our scouts reports, APPROX 15 MOUNTED, south gate and closing.

We were all like.. *sigh* and turned to repel the new threat and reinforce the clanstone again.

Then someone goes, ITS KGB! KGB's HERE!

We were all cheering and laughing... was quite the morale booster, let me tell ya.

Thanks also for your kinship and motivation to relieve the beleaguered VG forces. I know ya'll lost some stuffz there, it was a diplomatic maneuver if not a military one at the last.