
Specifically, those using the 1d speed hacks from DamnCheaters website. Its hard to notice the 1d speed hacks right off the bat. It isn't until you chased the fucker for 10 mins and they were moving at sprint speed that you realize it. You can argue "Hey, I am just chugging pot's and eating" but that is only going to take you so far. The 1d speed hack is beyond what you can do eating and drinking pot's and you will notice it. The 2d and 3d speed hacks are obvious as hell to someone who has played more then 10 hours and knows how the game works.I mean, if your going to cheat for Christ sakes, don't make a website and then give accounts of how your able to get away with it.

Stamina use hacks, hit-box limiters, auto targeting for directional attacks, and plane ole using a 3rd party client to hack and cheat should be shown the door on a day to day basis.

Attended macroing shouldn't be an issue. You can split hairs and say that unattended macroing is exploiting, I am not going to get into that though. Until Tasos specifically says, unattended macroing will result in a perma ban or something, its always going to be a gray area.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!