Originally Posted By: Aureliano
Well, if you're talking fries, then definitely McDonald's; however, McDonald's, at least here in WA, does not have onion rings, and let me tell you, I'm a huge fan of onion rings, so Burger King has a special place in my heart. Since childhood Burger King has always upset my tummy, but don't get me wrong, at the age of nine I'd eat it every day had I had the option. Given that McDonald's never upset my tummy (save the McRib, which is an abomination), I'm going have to go with McDonald’s overall. McDonald's has better deserts as well, and honestly, although many will disagree, the Big Mac is a great burger and has always been one of my favorites.

I don't eat fast food that often anymore, and these days when I do I try to buy locally (if you're from Seattle, you'll know Dick's Hamburgers and Paseo sandwiches). I will admit that last Saturday after a night of drinking, I went to McDonald's and enjoyed every bit of it.

I hope this answers your question.

FatBurger in Lynnwood, Washington FTW!! I always hit Dick's Drive-In after a night of getting stinky when I do head out for a night of debauchery. I usually hit the one in Lake City on the way home.

Last edited by Tasorin; 03/06/09 12:40 PM.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!