
Agelmar and Talshar are definitely up there on my buddy list with Esher and Kaliaa

My list, in the following order from Greatest to Least on my KOS:

1. Shaar (because of him, Rhal got kicked from COS early on, and then Shaar talked shit behind Rhal's back saying that "even if Rhal wanted to fight back he can't because he's a cripple in a wheelchair in RL")

2. Herog - douche from Iron Circle with Shaar, helped form Zorak's "super-secret" money making city near Valhaven.

3. Zorak

4. Kaliaa - actually I hope Heidi does the honors. They're like polar opposites.

5. Tantelus (because he's an usurping fuck)

6. Swiftkill - if he for some reason gets in the way when I'm killing any of the above 5.

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