So ya turns out Ledger's last performance could have very well in fact been his greatest, and I must say every other roll was very well played out and looked after even that stupid annoying unnecessary roll that the man who must be in every single last movie that comes out in 168-195 countries in the world played by none other then Morgan Freeman. On other notes villains were awesome, the stunts were somewhat believable and the far fetched ones were just crazy enough to work; as well the one liners lighten the very dark mood of the movie at just the right times. But alas I will let you go see it and wish that The Watchmen came out this year instead of march next year because based on the preview it shall be epic, and Bale playing John Connor will likely bring the life back into hopefully the final installment of the Terminator series and end it on a very very high note.

Here is to hoping that Ledger gets some awards he has deserved for a very long time!