
You do, for more then 4gigs but for exactly 4gigs which is what Helemoto wants, it's possible to do it on 32bit windows. The limitation isn't set by the OS your running, it' set by the motherboard design frame which then sets the OS your allowed to run on your machine.

I hate to rain on a parade here but. . . .

32 Bit Operating Systems have a maximum capability of 4GB
of Ram. However, Windows of the 32bit flavor will utilize
up to a MAXIMUM of 3GB. Recall it has to add the video card
memory into the mix and still has to fall under the 4GB max.

Even then, that is only available to you if you use the
/3gb switch in your boot.ini file.

Even so !

Most of the programs on the market today are limited to
2GB unless they are specially designed to make use of
extended Ram via that /3gb switch I mentioned earlier.

Not very many of those out there.

Thus, unless you plan on updating to a 64-bit OS AND
your hardware ( motherboard chipset ) can support it, do
not bother with increasing your RAM anything past 3GB as
your system won't be able to use it anyway. Will be a
waste of moolah !
