We're doing really well actually. Only 20 more days until the due date, so any day now we're expecting him. Her family/friends threw her a baby shower a few weeks ago and then the weekend after that my family threw her one so we have a ton of cool stuff for the baby.. clothes, changing table, crib, baby tub, wash cloths, towels, blankets, toys, and more stuff I'm forgetting. We've been really lucky to have such a supportive family/friends (including you all!). She's doing really well physically too. She goes to the office with me a couple of times a week to hang out and watch TV while I work. We also went on a 3 hour drive to Oakland to visit family which probably wasn't the smartest idea ever but she made it :P

So ya.. that about sums our lives up lately. Expect baby pictures soon =)

-[KGB]- Garal TheGreat

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