Hola! This is Hakaryu from UO in way times past - I am semi-actively playing Eve Online and WoW. Anyone else playing WoW?

Anyways my son just turned 10 and wants to try Star Wars Galaxies - you know, that game that really sucked when SOE redid it about 2 yrs after it launched - lol

Anyone remember their user name and pword that would toss it my way? I really don't want to spend 30 bucks on a 5 yr old MMORPG - I will of course from that point on use my cc to pay any fees and yours will not show up anyways.

Long shot I know, but back in the early days of Siege Perilous with Khail, RL BFF =0), Jet, Darkwon et all we were once pretty darn close.

Love ya KGB - never been a guild like ya since then =0)

Still hanging around the edges, gaming and avoiding wife-aggro!
