That's right. My girlfriend of 2 1/2 years is 20 weeks pregnant (we're both 19y/o). No it wasn't planned, but there's not much we can do about that now except learn from it and do our best to make everything work out. We've been trying to stay on the positive side of it all.. we just moved into our own apartment a week and a half ago. We realize that it could be a lot worse.. at least we love each other and have been together for a bit. Our families are both very supportive, I have a good bit of money saved up, we have some college under our belt already and are going to finish that off, etc. Basically I figure there's a LOT of people out there in a similar situation to us that are a LOT worse off than we are, and somehow they make it work, so we can too.

Anyways, today was our first ultrasound, and a very exciting day to say the least. It's a boy, I kinda wanted a girl, and she kinda wanted a boy, so it's all good =) I can teach it to be an uber gamer geek now I guess :P

Wish us all luck, cause it's going to be one hell of a ride from here on out.

p.s. It's due early December.

View of his head from the side.

Top down view of his head.. kind of hard to see because his right arm is crossed over his head so you're sorta seeing through it.

-[KGB]- Garal TheGreat

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