I got an online baseball game and when I try to play I get stuck on the login screen, so I looked in the help section and I found this about the problem...

Stuck on the "Login..." dialogue?

http://www.cexx.org/lspfix.htm - Go here, download/save the program. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FIRST.
Run the program.
It'll bring up a window with some files listed.
If you're using WindowsXP, you should see these 3:

(If you're using Windows Vista, you may have others that are ok. I don't have Vista, so I don't know.)


However, If you have others listed, they're probably from a program you installed, that affects the way your bandwidth is used or something.
If you want to know what the .dll file is from before you remove it, search for it on Google or whatever search engine you use.
I would suggest you do that for any file you're about to remove.
Neither Netamin, nor I are responsible for any damage/problem caused by using this program.

I have all the files that he said I would have but one is
ZKLSPR.DLL(Protocol Handler)

I did a google search for it but really nothing on it anyone know if I remove this, it will not mess up my machine


SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM "If you seek peace prepare for war"