
It hard i know a really really hot ass chick that plays wow and she says she believes the video chick

I know hot ass chicks in other games 2 hell i know hot ass women right here in KGB lol

I should start a school program for MMOGAMES that way when they grow up they wont think its nerdy .... and all the younger guys can thank me for the greatest accomplishm
ent ever

LOL, I can see it all unfolding right now before my very eyes .

Honestly, the reason I find it unbelievable is because of the way she talks. It doesn't sound natural. It sounds to me like she picked up on some 1337-speak from some nerdy friends and started shooting shit out of her mouth.

She was trying to sound all girly-cute with a 1337-speak slang and I found it to more irritating than anything.