Universal Basic Income is an expansion of welfare state, absolution of personal responsibility, and will ultimately lead to totalitarianism.

When people are on the dole, they directly depend on the government for sustenance. Consequently they lose both will and ability to challenge and hold government and its representatives accountable. For example, what UBI recipient would ever vote for a representative that advocating balanced budgets and fiscally responsible policies when that would inevitably result in cuts to UBI? Consequence of this is that you run out of other people's money. We have recent example of exactly this playing out in Venezuela. While it wasn't exactly UBI, it was close to that for a substantial part of population. It took less than 20 years to completely collapse economy of an oil-rich country, without petro dollars it would have happened even quicker.

Market economy can only function when individuals incentivized to be productive and UBI strongly disincentivizes any work. To put it bluntly, people on the dole are takers that contribute nothing to the society - they do not create wealth in any form, just consume it. That means that someone else has to create wealth and have a substantial share of it forcefully taken away by threat of violence to have it distributed to unproductive share of population. I don't know a single economist that would suggest making our economy less productive, all our economical models depend on continuous growth, but UBI would do exactly that.

When you combine effects of increased dependence on the government, absolution of personal responsibility, and economic stagnation due to low productivity you create perfect fertile ground for totalitarians to arise. Therefore, I conclude that UBI, if implemented, will directly lead to collapse of our Republic to be replaced by a totalitarian government.

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