Welcome back Kegir!

Yes we still are actively playing BDO and have a small to medium sized but active faction in-game. We moved from TeamSpeak to Discord for primary game-comms (due to world boss announcement channels being in Discord, so it will be best to hook up there for voice.

Owain, Evy, myself (or other officers) can give you a guild-invite in-game, but you will need to be on the same channel and coordinate with them for it. Typically we play on the Balenos 5 channel (as a primary).

Here is a link to join in Discord. Like TeamSpeak it will put you in "General" chat; until someone with officer rights can grant you full access.

Discord Join: https://discord.gg/xThgD3g

Note: Not sure if you have ever used Discord, but it has a web or client based app (also works on tablet/phone/etc) - if you don't have an account you can sign up for one using the link, if you already have one - log into it and use the link to get access. PM me if you have any questions/problems!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers