So ESO has a free weekend and 1/2 off sale going.

I've been convinced to go check it out by a few people to see a lot of the changes.

This is not a hype, nor a recruitment thread. It is informational only.

If interested, there are several KGB spread out. A few are Ebonheart, and a few are Daggerfell. Other more established veterans have toons in everything.

My grading after a few days of play and solely grading on current iteration. I am level 38 at the time of this post.

Overall grade: B (keep in mind I have not gotten to the PvP yet post changes)


I was currently streaming BF1 and Skyrim so being bored with Skyrim single player was the tipping point once people told me to quit being a bitch and try the game.

The key selling point for me is the way that grouping and playing are all normalized based on zone. You can group with anyone at any time (barring veteran dungeons unless your friends are willing to carry you) and the game scales mobs and zone events to the group leaders level for dungeons, or my guess is a happy medium for open world.

Any characters can play together in PVE but your factiond ecides who you play for in PvP. So it is DAOC like in that respect.

Questing is on par with Skyrim albeit a bit repetitive at some points but that's questing in every game. The main line and expansion lines are really immersive with the side quests being what everyone expects from side quests.

It's fun enough for something to do if you are looking for some Elder Scrolls style questing or dungeon crashing.

The only thing I can say about the PvP is that I can't say anything about it because I have not gotten there yet. The little bit that I can say is that I have spent a good 60% of my playtime theory crafting builds and tuning sets. Everyone knows how crazy I am for that so int hat regard I'm having fun.

On my current MMO scaling list I put it as follows.

ESO > GW2 > WoW > BDO > CU

Cannot compare it to sandboxes so I won't.

In service to KGB,


Last edited by Donkleaps; 11/18/16 08:58 AM.

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