Originally Posted By: Tasho
Many voters aren't Pro-Dem or Pro-Hillary.
They're mad that the Republican party is seemingly incapable of putting forward a clean, logical, likable moderate as of late so that we can vote against people like Hillary when they pop up. <_>;

This whole concept of staying super-zerged together into 2 parties is really keeping some more specific interest groups from standing tall, proud and accepted in our country.

I agree I would have loved to seen Rand Paul up there. But on the otherside you have the extremely careless Clinton, then add in the Pay to Play Scheme going on with the Clinton foundation. I would bet a months salary that if a Republican had a Foundation while Secretary of State that appointed a donor to an Intelligence Board that had no prior experience in that field. There would have been a shit storm in the media. That's just one that we know about along with the gun running and the donations to Clinton's foundation as I posted above.

Both are unelectable, however Hillary would just be to dangerous. She's Extremely Careless as the FBI director said along with these side deals as mentioned above. What would she sale if she were President would be a good question to ask her.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 10/12/16 11:12 AM.