Originally Posted By: Selenian
RSI just launched authenticator support today. People have a few options in that you can choose to use email or mobile authentication.

For the mobile authenticator, RSI supports a few options such as Authy and Google authenticator, as well as their own mobile app with Ios and android.

Also check out the latest ATV- lots of good tidbits for stuff coming up in the next few months!

I plan on getting mine setup this weekend; good to see they are on top of this, account security is VERY important!

The latest ATV (100th episode - part 3) IS awesome, LOTS of great info about what is coming in 2.5 (next Alpha). REALLY looking forward to all of it!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers