I moved to central NY state with my fam. 6 years back & have been happy here until a few months (not really sure how long), but what I am really missing is the cool storms minus the tornados from the midwest... I loved to watch lightening all the time, get a storm on average of twice a week in the none winter months & central NY state is storm free mostly, I have seen lightening flashes maybe 3 times in 6 years... I can't recall any real thunder here, am I just being a baby? I will keep silent, my fam. moved here for me, parents built a house & sister's fam. bought one then fixed it up... The BBQ here also is not as good... If I told fam. they would only be pissed at me...

Last edited by Salohcin Dragon; 06/19/16 08:58 AM.

Former KGB Member