Originally Posted By: Sini
Originally Posted By: Derid
One thing I would add, is the SJW movement seems to me to be driven by the same psychological elements that fuel the fringe conspiracy movements.

I think cult or religion is better analogy.

I think SJW is manifestation of the need to belong in the age of social networks. Almost all of it is some form of virtue signaling and social ladder climbing. These are the people who are obsessed with in-group standing and view dogmatic loyalty above anything else.

They are certainly not a positive force and are simply using righteous issues as a shield.

I think that is also correct. In fact I have occasionally referred to SJW as such. (cult, or religion)

But a lot of that also applies to other fringes as well, many group trends originate from a need to belong. I think you are correct when you point out the SJW movement as it currently stands is a product of desire to "belong" in the age of social media, but the style of thinking didn't originate recently otherwise Hayek wouldn't have weighed in and warned against it against it some 40 years ago. *

In-clique group mentality of us-versus-the-world, with a cause to fight for. Detached viewing of events from multiple points of view is discarded in favor of examining everything through the conspiracy/SJW lens.

Not viewing through the lens is tantamount to group treason.

In fact that is where they are most similar. Be it SJW or fringe conspiratist, the lenses must be worn at all times and group polarization/risky shift phenomenon kicks in to shift the group standards of judgement to the extremes.

Whether Edward Gibbon was wrong or not, there can be no doubt that moral and religious beliefs can destroy a civilization and that, where such doctrines prevail, not only the most cherished beliefs but also the most revered moral leaders, sometimes saintly figures whose unselfishness is beyond question, may become grave dangers to the values which the same people regard as unshakeable.

Against this threat we can protect ourselves only by subjecting even our dearest dreams of a better world to ruthless rational dissection.

It seems to be widely believed that ‘social justice’ is just a new moral value which we must add to those that were recognized in the past, and that it can be fitted within the existing framework of moral rules. What is not sufficiently recognized is that in order to give this phrase meaning a complete change of the whole character of the social order will have to be effected, and that some of the values which used to govern it will have to be sacrificed. It is such a transformation of society into one of a fundamentally different type which is currently occurring piecemeal and without awareness of the outcome to which it must lead.

It was in the belief that something like ‘social justice’ could thereby be achieved, that people have placed in the hands of government powers which it can now not refuse to employ in order to satisfy the claims of the ever increasing number of special interests who have learnt to employ the open sesame of ‘social justice’.

I believe that ‘social justice’ will ultimately be recognized as a will-o’-the-wisp which has lured men to abandon many of the values which in the past have inspired the development of civilization— an attempt to satisfy a craving inherited from the traditions of the small group but which is meaningless in the Great Society of free men. Unfortunately, this vague desire which has become one of the strongest bonds spurring people of good will to action, not only is bound to be disappointed. This would be sad enough. But, like most attempts to pursue an unattainable goal, the striving for it will also produce highly undesirable consequences, and in particular lead to the destruction of the indispensable environment in which the traditional moral values alone can flourish, namely personal freedom.

Hayek, F. A. (2012-09-10). Law, Legislation and Liberty: A new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy (Routledge Classics) (p. 231). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)