Ron was anti NN and anti PP as well

So am I TBH, though I dont really give much of a shit either way on PP. Abortion = distraction as far as I'm concerned. We could have a new ruling that said no abortions for anyone, or free abortions for everyone and I'd clap my hands and just be happy the issue was gone.

I've always been pretty strongly anti NN, at least as proposed and written and I have said why. In reality its just an Orwellian fig leaf designed to let the Big Guys do whatever they want. Its pretty bad when a libertarian guy like me strongly prefers a tax and spend scheme of creating universal access as a "public good" instead of the proposed NN

That some people want the regulatory body that raises hell over some side nipple to assume authority over the internet just will never cease to amaze me.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)