The presidential mean the Donald Trump Fox News Roast?

I watched the full debate over the weekend. It felt like one long game of ratings booster gotcha questions.

What more should I expect from Fox News though.....

In my opinion, Christie did the best on stage but that guy is the ring master when it comes to talking to the media. He held his ground on a few tough questions and spun them in his favor. The guy is a brilliant debater and public speaker but doesn't stand a chance of winning.

Bush played it safe the whole time. He is a seasoned politician and it really showed. He stayed on track and spoke exactly as directed on everything. Came across as very boring though.

Rand Paul didn't get much time to speak and was overly eager to do so when given the chance. I have a feeling that if they let him open up on stage then he will end up talking about some crazy shit that alienates the voting bloc. I wanted to see a calm and confident Rand Paul but didn't get it.

Trump was attacked the whole time from all angles. He is going to lose points for taking pop shots at Megan Kelly during the debate over woman's issues. They were hammering on him the whole time though. He did pretty well for a man with a big ego who was getting tar and feathered.

Carson acted like a kid on his first day at a new school. I was starting to wonder if some black guy had accidentally wondered on stage for a bit. He only spoke a few times the whole debate.

Kasich did very well but could crumble if they really put the spot light on him. He did well because no one went after him on anything. Every time he spoke it was about his achievements and no one spoke against him.

Jindal spoke like a Republican robot with a programmed answer for everything. This guy should get out of the office more.

Last edited by Sethan; 08/11/15 11:47 AM.